Samstag, 23. November 2013

Leo Cullum’s Cat Cartoons Are The Cat’s Meow! [ G4dG33t ]

Renowned New Yorker cartoonist Leo Cullum entertains with his animal cartoons in Cockatiels for Two. Containing 113 black and white illustrations of feline humor, the cartoons poke fun at the emotions and personalities of our beloved feline friends. Collum, a retired airline pilot, has published more than 500 cartoons in The New Yorker since 1977 in addition to having his work exhibited at the Brooklyn Museum of Art and appearing in Barron's, Harvard Business Review and numerous anthologies. Cockatiels for Two is a treat for the cat lover in your life or would be purr-fectly content catnapping on your coffee table.

AF_WINTER_04_p38_cartoon_Cartoon_3leo cullum cartoon 2

Leo Cullum Cartoon 4

For the Best that Pet Lifestyle and Animal Welfare has to offer follow Wendy  Diamond on Facebook, Twitterand right here at!

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Tags: Animal Cartoons, animal rescue advocate, Barron's, Brooklyn Museum of Art, Cat Cartoons, Cockatiels for Two, Harvard Business Review, illustrations of cats, Leo Cullum, pet lifestyle expert, the new yorker, wendy diamond

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